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2019-11-03 21:48云南樂(lè)過(guò)教育云南成人考試培訓(xùn)
 1. This disease________itself in yellowness of the skin and eyes.
 A. manifest
 B. modifies
 C. magnifies
 D. expose
 2.In the ________of human life honors and rewards tend to fall to those who show their good qualities in action.
 A. ring
 B. terrace
 C. arena
 D. ground
 3. The coupon ________you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.
 A. entitles
 B. tips
 C. presents
 D. credits
 4. Which of the following indicates a correct intonation pattern?
 A. Did you have a↑fever ora↓headache?
 B. Did you have a↑fever or a↑headache?
 C. Did you have a↓fever or a↓headache?
 D. Did you havea↓fever or a↑headache?
 5.Which of the following is a voiceless bilabial stop?
 A. /b/
 B. /m/
 C. /w/
 D. /p/
 6. The experienced writer is skilled in handling his words, just________the builder is skilled in handling his bricks.
 A. as
 B. so
 C. thus
 D. like
 7. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios________ after 10 o' clock at night.
 A. did not play
 B. not to play
 C. not be
 D. were not be played
 8. Which of the following italicized phrase indicates a purpose?
 A. She said it for fun, but others took it seriously.
 B. For all its efforts, the team didn't win the match.
 C. Linda has worked for the firms for 20 years.
 D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.
 9. There are________ syllables and________ phonemes in the word "determine".
 A.3 8
 B.3 7
 C.2 6
 D.3 6
 10. The pair of words "buy" and"sell" are________opposites.
 A. gradable
 B. relational
 C. complementary
 D. dialectal
 考<br />作者:oyjl<br />鏈接:https://www.233.com/teacher/zxzzt/201910/05000000699.html<br />來(lái)源:233網(wǎng)校<br />提示:文章由作者整合,商業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)聯(lián)系作者獲得授權(quán),非商業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處。11. The inductive method differs from the deductive one in that it enables learners to arrive at _______on the basis of examples.
 A. generalizations
 B. solutions
 C. understanding
 D. decision
 12. What is not the major purpose of asking students to give a report after the group discussion in a reading class?
 A. To pool ideas
 B. To correct mistakes
 C. To encourage language use
 D. To practice oral English
 13. Which of the following is a kind of information gap activities in class?
 A. Pattern drills
 B. Making a survey
 C. Sentence transformation
 D. Forming sentences
 14. What would a teacher ask students to do if he/she intends to develop their skimming skill?
 A. To rewrite the text
 B. To read for specific information
 C. To predict the context of the text
 D. To read for the general idea of the text
 15. What does a teacher focus on if he/she asks students to list their ideas, select and expand those ideas, and then make an outline?
 A. Students' reading skills
 B. Students' translating skills
 C. Students' writing skills
 D. Students' listening skills
 16. Activities such as problem solving, decision making and opinion exchanging are typical practices in
 A. Audi-lingual method
 B. Grammar-translation method
 C. Situation language teaching
 D. Task-based language teaching
 17. What type of questions is more likely to motivate learners to talk more and get new information?
 A. Yes-no question
 B. Closed question
 C. Referential question
 D. Display question
 18. What does a teacher focus on when he/she says "find out two things your partner likes to eat but you don't and two things you both like to eat using what do you like to eat?
 A. Form
 B. Meaning
 C. Meaning and use
 D. Form and meaning
 19. Which of the following activities is most likely to be used to encourage students active language use?
 A. Reading a text and making true or false judgement
 B. Listening to a passage and filling in the blank
 C. Doing a role play of opening a bank account
 D. Reordering the sentences into a passage
 20. What test is likely to be given to new students at the beginning of a semester to screen them?
 A. Achievement test
 B. Placement test
 C. Proficiency test
 D. Aptitude test
二、 簡(jiǎn)答題(本大題共1小題,共20分)
  【答題要點(diǎn)】(1)①寫(xiě)前活動(dòng)(pre-writing) : free talk--學(xué)生就寫(xiě)作話(huà)題進(jìn)行討論,發(fā)散思維,發(fā)表不同觀(guān)點(diǎn),進(jìn)行自由討論,(4分)②寫(xiě)中活動(dòng)(while-writing) :make an outline--寫(xiě)下所討論的觀(guān)點(diǎn)看法,并分組討論形成提綱,列出文章提綱; (分) ③寫(xiě)后活動(dòng):分享,學(xué)生寫(xiě)完初稿之后,可以互相交換批改,讓學(xué)生進(jìn)行同輩糾錯(cuò)。(4分 )(2)寫(xiě)作教學(xué)應(yīng)注意:1.寫(xiě)作教學(xué)應(yīng)采用科學(xué)的教學(xué)模式,可以用重過(guò)程的寫(xiě)作教學(xué)模式; (2分)2.寫(xiě)作教學(xué)應(yīng)以學(xué)生為主體,讓學(xué)生參與到寫(xiě)作教學(xué)中來(lái),教師起引導(dǎo)作用; (2分)3.寫(xiě)作教學(xué)應(yīng)注重糾錯(cuò),以學(xué)生同輩糾錯(cuò)和自我糾錯(cuò)為主,教師糾錯(cuò)為輔; (2分)4.寫(xiě)作教學(xué)應(yīng)明確寫(xiě)作目的,重視培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的寫(xiě)作技能。(2分)
(1)教學(xué)目的:所有學(xué)生能夠通過(guò)將詞匯帶入被動(dòng)句型...was ...by/to the committee. 進(jìn)行替換練習(xí),加強(qiáng)核心句型練習(xí)和掌握。(6分 )





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